Octacle was born from the need to find natural and eco conscious alternatives in the diving industry. Starting off with developing an eco and body conscious wetsuit lubricant for open cell wetsuits.
Founded by Kat Greager, an ocean-loving, eco-conscious, octopus-appreciating, big-picture thinking wāhine toa from Wellington, New Zealand.
After finding there were no natural options for lubing up, months of researching natural slimy substances, mixing, trialing and testing ensued. And what do you know? The magic of seaweed held the answer…
Octacle offers a way to get in and out of your wetsuit safely and smoothly and feel comfortable whilst actually diving! In fact it actually nourishes the skin.
PLUS- No more adding chemicals, detergents, surfactants to our already struggling aquatic ecosystem.
Reef Safe!!
No petrochemical biproducts
No fragrance
No nasties
Just slippery goodness